
Public sculptures for online spaces

Ballistics are generative 3D kinetic sculptures that can be viewed on the web and in Augmented Reality, pulling them into the world around you.

They can also be experienced in the metaverse where you can jump, climb and dance upon them with your friends.

Ballistics was inspired by kinetic sculptures by artists like Naum Gabo, Julio Le Parc, and the GRAV collective. Simple forms can float with meditative grace, or jump with manic energy.

Ballistics will be released as a generative art NFT collection later in 2024. Each NFT is effectively the design specification or blueprint for an animated Ballistics sculpture. Then the collector can experience the sculpture itself in many different ways.

Click or tap the images below to see the sculptures animate. (These are test mints).

To View in Augmented Reality

  1. On Android use a Chrome browser. On iOS install the XRViewer app from Mozilla.
  2. Return to this page and tap an image below.
  3. Tap the top AR View button
  4. Point your device at a flat surface. Move the square pedestal shape, then tap to place the sculpture.
  5. Watch it build and animate in your space!


Ballistics debuted at the Art Blocks Artist Activation Exhibit in Marfa, Texas in August 2023.

Ballistics were featured in the MESH Fair, a virtual group show by renowned 3D artists in March 2024.

The Metaverse and AR

You can load, run around, and jump on Ballistics sculptures in Decentraland.

Ballistics sculptures can be placed and viewed in the real world using Augmented Reality. We dropped this one next to Donald Judd's iconic concrete scultpures at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas.